‘Cast & Crew’ News

Nansi Nsue as Melisha

Nansi is African/Spanish, exotic, and stunningly beautiful. She studied business and marketing in Spain before realizing acting was her calling. Now based in London, she works in film, TV, and commercials. Nansi is a perfectionist and a professional. She truly loves acting and is a...

John J. Lund as Johnny Magnum

When John was first approached by the White House to write, direct, and produce the reenactment of Melisha’s rescue, he refused. It wasn’t until they came back to him with an offer for the lead role and a percentage-of-profits deal that he finally agreed. Unfortunately...

Hanno Weiss as King of the Habsburgs

Hanno’s kingly status made him an obvious choice for the head of the Habsburg family. In addition to being a great actor, Hanno is a teacher, kinesiologist, and proud father. Moreover, his daughter, Belinda Weiss, had a cameo role in the film as the Dancing...

Alistair Macnaughtan as The Colonel

Alistair is awesome. Not only can he carry a scene wife-carrying style, he can also put it in his kilt and walk off set with it. We love Al and his amazing family. In addition to his role in Return of the Habsburgs (2014), Alistair...

Daniel Stampfl as The Black Dragon

A native of Bregenz, Austria, Daniel is the current World Kickboxing Federation Intercontinental champion in full-contact K-1, under 79 kg (174 lbs.). He is also a medical student at the University of Innsbruck, Austria. His medical training is very useful in his sport because after...

Hannah Kabelka as Dirndl Warrior Princess

Hannah moves like an angel and kicks like a mule. She was brought onboard for her athletic prowess and sweet persona. When she’s not busy shooting videos and films, she’s making the world a better place through dance.   Learn more about Hannah’s dance company...

Hansjörg Kapeller – Director of Photography, Editor, Musician, and Postproduction Wizard

Hansjörg was too talented to work on Return of the Habsburgs but has a heart of gold and agreed to do the project. The film would not have been possible without his hard work, dedication, and endless patience. We have no idea if there is...

Konstantin Ammann – Camera Super Star and Postproduction Wizard

After Hansjörg was talked into the film, we quickly realized that we needed an amazing cameraman and postproduction stud to back him up. There was only one choice: Konstantin Ammann. The film crew required attitude to thrive and Konstantin delivered. Without Konstantin’s meaningful contributions and...